Anyone who's ever read the comments section of this blog knows who Hopfrog is. Hopfrog has been the most frequent commenter on here for some time.
It's funny, when I came back to the US from China in 2009, a long-time friend of mine who'd kept up with me in China through my blog asked me when I'd met/become friends with Hopfrog in Xi'an. I laughed. Hopfrog was never in Xi'an and I'd actually never met him in person. Hopfrog and I developed our friendship completely through our writings/back-and-forths on this blog.
Hopfrog and I still have never met in person. I consider him a good friend, though. He always adds thoughtful and high-level discussion to this blog. And, as I said when talking about another of my favorite commenters, Ramesh, he sports a refreshingly positive and constructive attitude, which is such a rarity here on the interwebs.
Hopfrog has started his own blog - Hopfrog's Walkabout. It is a chronicle of his hike on the Pacific Crest Trail from the US border of Mexico to the border of Canada. Hopfrog is several posts into his preparation for the hike. His writings definitely look like something readers here would enjoy.
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1 month ago
Whoa, was just making the rounds to my favorite blogs and literally popped my eyes real wide when I saw this. Thanks for the mention and the kind words! Looks I swung by here about 20 minutes after you put this up.
Yeah, its funny to think people can feel like friends without ever having met, but its true. Heck, all I know about Ramesh is his moniker and his writing and I hope to be in India someday and catch a cricket game with him. Likewise, if I am ever in your neck of the woods or you mine, we'll have to meet up. There are about half a dozen bloggers I feel like I've 'connected' with and even though we've never met I consider them, you among them, as friends.
Thanks again, and hopefully some of the lurkers here will become lurkers over at my blog.
Check out this guy, he is doing something similar, has a lot of great photos, little storys about each day and the people he meets.
@Hopfrog - I'm glad that your blog is off to a good start. You'll enjoy working on it, I'm sure. Is going to be a great journey.
@Donnie - Nice site. Looks like some great photography, there.
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