One of my best friends in the world has an excellent China blog going these days.
Richard, a bloke from Newcastle, England who arrived in Xi'an at the same time I did in 2006, has the newest incarnation of his blog/web page really looking good. The site is called Notes From Xi'an. I strongly suggest adding it to your RSS Feed or blog reading list.
Richard is one of the most thoughtful and intelligent people I know. Over my last couple years in Xi'an, we met up one morning each week for coffee buzzes and discussions on China news, the failing Western economies, globalization, philosophy, love, and life (and everything else in between).
He has a particularly good series of articles about his Spring Festival experiences posted right now. Check these out before the most China most special holiday of the year comes this weekend. Richard's writing puts mine to shame.
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1 month ago
You are right and I just added it to my reader. Thanks.
I second Dan, some excellent writing. But I think the two of you could learn from each other.
His site is a bit cluttered and confusing whereas yours is streamlined and perfectly presented. On the flip side, Notes from Xian provides a lot of insight from the Blogger, which is something I would like to see more of here. Combine the two and its a perfect blog! But with all the changes in your life I am impressed you have managed to keep this blog up as much as you have, so I am not complaining, just suggesting.
@Dan - I'm glad that I gave you something else to read. I'm also glad you come by here to check things out. Your blog - Law Blog - is one of the first-class China blogs out there.
@Hopfrog - I hear what you're saying. My brother has been telling me for years that I need to write more and not quote as many third party sources.
If you go back to my posts from the first part of '09, I wrote epic-length posts. I had a LOT of time, both at work and in personal life, to write whatever I wanted. That hasn't always been the case and certainly isn't now.
I want to write more and will try to do so. Just a matter of finding the time to get out my thoughts/rants!
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